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Michelle's Learning Center

No child left behind 

Michelle's Center for Learning has grown significantly since its inception in March 2011. Today the center houses Somerset Island Prep, a charter high school, and the keys Learning Center. 


Somerset Island Prep is a Monroe county charter High school for students that need or prefer a more individualized learning environment. The students are able to graduate with both a high school diploma and an associate degree simultaneously.  

The Keys Learning Center under the direction of Nick and Launa Wright teaches students how to study and learn. The center also provides credit recovery to keep at-risk students on track to graduate. The Keys Learning Center has tutored thousands of students with many of the students receiving free tutoring. The center wants to level the educational playing field so that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed in school regardless of their socioeconomic background.


Michelle's Foundation
209 Duval St. Floor 2
Key West, FL 33040
(305) 296-5667

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